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The Comacchio Valleys are a complex system of lagoons, canals and brackish waters covering over 13,000 hectares. This unique environment is home to an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna, making it a true paradise for nature lovers. Pink flamingos, herons, spoonbills and many other migratory bird species find refuge in these tranquil waters, offering birdwatchers the chance to observe rare and fascinating specimens up close.

The Comacchio Valleys offer breathtaking panoramas that change with the seasons, shifting from the bright colours of spring and summer to the softer, more evocative tones of autumn and winter. Visitors can explore these enchanted landscapes on foot, by bicycle or by boat, following the numerous itineraries that wind their way through placid waters and endless skies. Every corner of the valleys tells a story, every reflection on the water captures a moment of pure beauty.




Il Parco del Delta del Po è una gemma naturale incastonata tra la terra e il mare, un luogo dove la natura incontaminata si sposa con la storia e la cultura. Situato tra le regioni dell’Emilia-Romagna e del Veneto, questo parco offre un’esperienza unica per chiunque desideri immergersi nella bellezza e nella tranquillità di un ambiente straordinariamente ricco di biodiversità

Biodiversity and nature

The Po Delta Park is a paradise for nature lovers. Here, the variety of natural habitats – from brackish lagoons to coastal dunes, from lowland forests to vast areas of marshland – is home to a multitude of animal and plant species. It is an ideal refuge for more than 370 bird species, making it one of Europe’s most important birdwatching destinations. Flamingos, herons, spoonbills and many other rare species find their perfect habitat here.

Beautiful landscape

The park is a mosaic of enchanting landscapes winding between rivers, canals and lagoons. Visitors can explore these picturesque settings on foot, by bicycle or by boat, discovering breathtaking views at every turn. The silence and stillness of the delta, interrupted only by birdsong and the rustle of the wind through the reeds, offer an experience of incomparable peace and serenity.


Comacchio, known as ‘Little Venice’, is a charming lagoon town located in the Emilia-Romagna region. It is characterised by a network of canals, historic bridges and colourful fishermen’s houses. Strolling through its cobbled streets means plunging into an evocative and romantic atmosphere, where every corner hides picturesque glimpses and fascinating details. The canals that criss-cross the historic centre are crossed by elegant bridges, including the famous Trepponti, the undisputed symbol of the town, which with its 17th-century architecture represents one of the most iconic images of Comacchio.


Comacchio’s history is rich and fascinating, dating back to Etruscan and Roman times. The town has preserved its medieval structure intact and offers numerous cultural treasures. The Museo Delta Antico, housed in the ancient Ospedale degli Infermi, contains archaeological artefacts of great value that tell the thousand-year history of the area. The Cathedral of San Cassiano, with its grandeur and bell tower, is another example of extraordinary historical architecture that is well worth a visit.


Comacchio is renowned for its culinary traditions, in particular for the eel, the undisputed star of the local cuisine. Every year, the Sagra dell’Anguilla (Eel Festival) celebrates this delicious fish with tastings, events and demonstrations that attract visitors from all over. In the town’s restaurants and trattorias you can enjoy typical dishes based on eel, prepared in a thousand different ways, and other local specialities that tell the story of Comacchio’s gastronomic history and culture.


Comacchio is a lively and vibrant town that offers a rich programme of events and exhibitions throughout the year. Concerts, exhibitions, festivals and markets enliven the town’s squares and streets, creating an atmosphere of festivity and conviviality. The San Cassiano Fair, the Carnival on Water and the Puppet Festival are just some of the unmissable events that make Comacchio an ideal destination for every season


a journey through the renaissance

Ferrara is synonymous with the Renaissance. The city was one of the main cultural and artistic centres of Europe during the Este period, thanks to the far-sighted Este dynasty. The Castello Estense, with its majestic towers and moat still filled with water, is the symbol of Ferrara and a perfect example of Renaissance architecture. Strolling through the historical centre, one can admire stately palaces, ancient churches and cobbled streets that tell stories of a splendid past.

Gastronomy and traditions

Ferrara cuisine is another reason to visit this wonderful city. Typical dishes, such as cappellacci di zucca, salama da sugo and pasticcio ferrarese, tell stories of ancient culinary traditions and authentic flavours. The restaurants and osterias in the historic centre offer a warm welcome and the opportunity to taste these delicacies accompanied by local wines, such as the famous Lambrusco.

Events and manifestations

Ferrara is a lively and dynamic city with a rich programme of events throughout the year. The Palio di Ferrara, one of the oldest in Italy, is a historical commemoration that fills the streets with colours, costumes and medieval traditions. The Ferrara Buskers Festival, the largest street artists’ festival in the world, attracts thousands of visitors with music, dance and performance art shows. Ferrara sotto le Stelle, a summer music festival, brings famous artists to the stage

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